
idea goes back to about October of 2002. We were doing great. Max, our first-born,
was about a year and a half old, and a quantum bundle of energy. Deeds was
working as a product marketing manager at a high-tech startup in the Boston
area. Paige, who studied retail management in college and went on to become
a massage therapist, was spending most of her time keeping Max at bay.
Yes, life was sweet.
Still, there was something that didn't feel quite whole with this arrangement, and we started our quest. The mission was to fuse our day-to-day values with our day-to-day avocations. By Thanksgiving, we had worked up a PowerPoint presentation covering where we were in life, what we believed was missing, and how we planned to complete the picture.
Project Dunia had sprouted.
Over the next two years, we had another baby boy, whom we named Bodhi. We revised, refined and refocused our business plan. We read business books, bookmarked Web sites, and clipped articles out of magazines. We met with friendly business owners, went to conferences and exhibitions, and talked to anybody who would listen.
We dreamed. We prayed.
We doodled, we sketched and we chicken-scratched.
In our search for the perfect setting, we passed on over four other towns,
and perhaps a dozen different storefront locations. What we found in Maynard
was a former doctors office; what we saw was a showroom for a new
esthetic for green living. We hired an architect, a carpenter, and a graphic designer.
Paige put her merchandising mojo to work for us, and Deeds quit his job
in high-tech to manage the construction.
Its taken a lot of time and a lot of help from a lot of good people,
but it looks as though we may actually have pulled it off. It's been tremendous fun for us both, and we've particularly enjoyed meeting all kinds of good people with infectious energy and limitless creativity
If after reading this you decide to stop in to Dunia for a quick visit,
then our efforts will have been rewarded. If you introduce yourself to us
while in our store, you will make our day.
Come on in and poke around.
See you soon,
Paige and Deeds
P.S. ~ Nice articles from thoughtful wordsmiths! (Woo hoo!)
Harvard Post, May 4, 2007
Maynard Beacon-Villager, May 3, 2007 (Remake/Reformat Juried Exhibit)
Maynard Beacon-Villager, May 3, 2007 (Loka: Land Beyond the River)
Boston Globe, April 19, 2007
Gift Shop Magazine, Spring 2007
Maynard Beacon-Villager, April 13, 2007
Boston Globe, April 9, 2007
Maynard Beacon-Villager, March 29, 2007
Metrowest Daily News, November 9, 2006
Boston Globe Sidekick Insert, August 29, 2006
Boston Globe Sidekick Insert, June 27, 2006
Lowell Sun, June 20, 2006
Boston Globe Sidekick Insert, February 4, 2006
MetroWest Daily News, February 10, 2006
Maynard Beacon-Villager, December 16, 2005
MetroWest Daily News, October 30, 2005
Boston Globe, August 21, 2005
Maynard Beacon-Villager, August 18, 2005
Lowell Sun, August 4, 2005 Boston Globe, July 28, 2005